Village of Maruata Water Quality Profile
Descriptions, Photos, General and Fecal Coliform Test Results for a Wide Range of Waters Encountered in a Mexican Village.
On this page
In order to guide the ecological systems design for this Indigenous community project we created a profile of all the waters of significance in the village.
Maruatan waters are notable for their extremes of filth and pristine purity, sometimes side by side, and is thus an interesting topic of study in their own right.
Maruata has a monsoon climate,with no rain for the 6-8 months of "winter" and about a meter of rain in the summer.
My petition to the Aztec rain goddess for the first big storm of the monsoon to occur in the middle of the testing program was answered with an eight inch dump in one night, so this water survey spans both dry season and wet season conditions.
The diverse survey includes everything from bottled drinking water to fetid mud puddles, with four beaches, springs, and rivers in between. It is organized to help you sharpen your own water sense. Read the description, look at the photo, try to guess what the water is like and what it is good for, then read the test results and discussion.
Note: The test results for fecal coliforms are given here as organisms per 100ml, the conventional measurement and what the tests were measuring directly. I find it helpful to think of this instead as "parts per billion of feces." The numerical value is the samethat is, 100 fecal coliforms per 100ml = 100 ppb feces. If you are curious how this is calculated or what the point is of measuring it this way, see Fecal coliform counts.
M14 Well,
pit-communal laundry/ dish pit in river bed
Location, description, sampling technique: Bottomless wash basin in sandy dry riverbed. 30 cm deep, water at 10 cm. Turbidity: Crystal clear Color: Very clear Smell: none detectable Taste: didn't try it
Surrounding influences: Unrestricted access by grazing animals, including burros, cows, horses, dogs and pigs.
Use of water: Regular laundry and dish washing by several surrounding families.
What do you think of this water? Would you drink it? Eat off of dishes washed with it?
What I thought about this water: Washing dishes was as close as I'd ever want to get to drinking this water.
Test results:
33 fecal coliforms/100 ml
7,233 general coliforms/100 ml
M1 Well, pit-community drinking & cooking
Location, description, sampling technique: Fenced hand dug pit well 1.5 m deep in pure coarse sand of dry river bed, cone-shaped, with place to stand next to bottomless 2 gal galvanized bucket which rapidly refills with crystal clear water. Upriver from palapas. The funnel geometry channels debris dislodged by users feet into the water. The mound of sand from digging helps keep surface debris from outside the funnel from falling/blowing in. Sample pipetted directly from the well water.
Visible in water: Nothing floating, sand stirred from bottom rapidly resettles.
Surrounding influences: Grazing animals all around but fence appeared effective.
Use of water: This is the water preferred by villagers for cooking, hot drinks, and drinking, supposedly after boiling. Im not sure why this well location is preferred, but everyone goes out of their way to get their cooking and drinking water here.
What do you think of this water? The villagers drink it after boiling, would you?
What I thought about this water: I'd drink it if I had to, and without much hesitation if it were boiled.
Test results:
60 fecal coliforms/100 ml
1,000 general coliforms/100 ml
Discussion: The presence of fecal coliforms casts doubt on the presumed superiority of this source for drinking. This may have been a short-term spike caused by sand falling in which was contaminated by feces adhering to the shoes of someone getting water.
M35 Well,
pit-Freshly re-dug community drinking & cooking
Location, description, sampling technique: New well freshly (<48 hrs) dug next to M1 after it flooded, and used for same purpose. Sample taken from well-rinsed plastic water scoop.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Clear Smell: none detectable Taste: didn't try it
Surrounding influences: This well was about 4 m from chocolate river, 3 m from old well, which, when the groundwater level rose, filled with light brown foamy water. People collecting water waded through the river, then stood with dripping legs right by the 2 gal galvanized bottomless bucket which was the water container. This well did not have a fence.
Use of water: Was being collected for drinking (after boiling, they said) by several villagers as the sample was taken.
What do you think of this water? It was 4 m of coarse, highly permeable sand from a river chocolate brown first runoff water containing 20,000 buttwipes per swimming pool of fecal coliforms. Would you drink it? Make tea with it?
What I thought about this water: I felt very leery of this water due proximity to the river and the possibility of contamination from dripping legs and feet during collection.
Test results:
(fecal coliforms/100 ml) 0
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 4,933
Discussion: I was astonished at how clean this water was; I've drank untreated spring water with higher levels, without problems. This result suggests that 1) this amount of sand filtration is extremely effective, and 2), the contamination in all the wells in Maruata comes more from above than with the water from below, and that it increases with the age of the well. This was one of the cleanest wells tested, with the only possible explanation being that it was by far the most freshly dug, this factor overriding the close proximity of a huge quantity of very contaminated water.
Wells, corrugated steel lined
M2 Well-water
from Nati's well
Location, description, sampling technique: Collected at hose stream at laundry pila. Water in 70 cm deep in pila itself looked slightly milky; hose flow looked fine (of course).
Visible in water: Frog (dead?), leaves(?)
Surrounding influences:
Use of water: Used for laundry, bathing, toilet handwash, some dishwash.
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: I didn't like the look of this for drinking.
Test results:
(fecal coliforms/100 ml) 20
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 21,620
Discussion: It was ironic that we were rinsing off in this water after going in the ocean. The ocean water was totally pristine, and this stuff had twice the beach closure level of general coliforms (10,000).
M4 Well-water
in Nati's kitchen pila
Location, description, sampling technique: This is water from the well above stored in the kitchen. Water was pipetted directly from the pila.
Use of water: Used daily for dishes, meat washing, etc.
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: It felt better than the laundry pila, worse than the community well.
Test results:
(fecal coliforms/100 ml) 0
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 21,600
Discussion: Perhaps the fecal coliforms in the well were fresh and were not present when this tank was filled.

M20 Well-from
pila of Don Anarato's
Location, description, sampling technique: Pila full, clear.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Clear Odor: Taste:
Visible in water: Bucket w/ rope lost in bottom. Electric pump, crud in well.
Surrounding influences:
Use of water: Used continually for dishwashing, laundry, bathing.
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: Didn't look that great to me; I'd definitely prefer my dishes to be dry first, though sometimes they weren't.
Test results:
(fecal coliforms/100 ml) 0
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 11,520

M16 Well-Emilio's
Location, description, sampling technique: From bucket on rope & roller; they said it was dirty, but it didn't look too bad. This is one of the better made and sealed wells. They have been using it only when water is not coming down from the spring.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: The water did feel less clean than from the pipe; I definitely wouldn't like to drink it.
Test results:
(fecal coliforms/100 ml) 220
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 11,740
Well, tube
well for potable water
Location, description, sampling technique: From barbed adapter on pump.
Temperature: Turbidity: Very low but some rapidly settling sand. Color: Odor: Taste: Good, soft taste.
Surrounding influences: No septic tanks within 30 m. There is a brick lined well about 30 feet away.
Use of water: This is a new sealed, sanitary well we helped construct for drinking water. I drank from this daily myself.
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: I think this water should be safe to drink under all weather conditions, including flooding.
Test results:
(fecal coliforms/100 ml) 0
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 0 to 1
Rain, Runoff
M19 Rain-First roof wash
Location, description, sampling technique: Storage area roof, corrugated felt, 4:12 pitch, no branches above, first 10 min of first rain in several days.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste: Looked clear.
Visible in water: Bits of roof debris.
Surrounding influences: In the middle of a fenced palapa. Roof is surely covered with feces dust in the dry season.
Use of water: None.
What do you think of this water? Would you drink it? Bath in it?
What I thought about this water: This water felt like it was getting clean, though not the roof not yet rinsed enough.
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 20
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 43,220
Discussion: Seems like a good idea to let the rain wash the roof VERY well before the first harvest of monsoon water in this environment, which is blanketed with dust including dried feces during the dry season; 20 cm rain or more. This fits local practice; they let it rain a lot before harvesting rain.
M28 Rain-Emilio's Gutter
Location, description, sampling technique: After 20 cm rain on cement tiles. Was being collected in small bucket for dishwashing. Looked sort of clean, not completely. Rinsed by a 25 cm of rain and has good pitch, low traffic. Considerable sediment visible on filter; cement roof particles?
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: I'd would have drank a bit if pressed, due to the volume of rinsing.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 15
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 429
M29 Rain-Phone caseta roof
Same time as M28.
No particles.
Location, description, sampling technique: On phone house in middle of downtown Maruata. Cement slab roof. Some junk stored on top. Ladder on side; probably occasional traffic for phone antenna.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water: No particles in water.
Surrounding influences: Plenty feces dust in dry season from soccer field and roads nearby.
Use of water: None.
What do you think of this water? Would you drink it? expect it to be cleaner or dirtier than M28?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 3
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 435
Discussion: It is interesting that this is cleaner than Emilios' roof. Apparently the advantage of smooth surface (painted concrete) outweighs the traffic.
M27 Rain-Natural surface runoff
Location, description, sampling technique: After downpour collected 10 cm from Neighbor's spring. Fenced 10 m up hill, then lots of animal traffic just outside fence. This runoff was flowing right into the spring. Collected in used cooking oil bottle after ten rinses.
Temperature: Turbidity: Low SSColor: Light yellow-straw color (1/2 urine color) Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water: None.
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 24,000
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 232,800
M24 Rain-urban runoff-Puddle on side of soccer field
Location, description, sampling technique: After first 3 cm rain in two weeks; the second flush of 7 months of accumulated pig shit, greywater Big brown puddle--felt truly evil. Many nearly naked kids running barefoot over broken glass, rolling tires which were spinning this stuff in all directions. They looked fully alive, healthy, happy. Collected by Emilio. 0.25 ml=7 drops, 2 drops used.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Brown Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water: None.
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 33,613
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 1,596,639
Springs-waters originating at El Chorrito, before rains
M7 Spring-Neighbor's
hand-cut depression
Location, description, sampling technique: 30 cm diameter, 25 cm deep hand cut well in solid rock, overflowing by springs through cracks in sides at approx. 5 lpm. Sample taken from middle 5 cm below surface. Sides damp w/ first 20 min light rain, no runoff.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: very clear Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences: Well highly subject to catching surface runoff and debris falling down slope. Ineffective wooden lid.
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: Felt good, though I'd hesitate to drink it unless it were regularly bailed out and cleaned, or remade more protected from runoff. I'd drank a small amount.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 40
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 520
M8 Spring-El
Chorrito-Old springbok tap
Location, description, sampling technique: Collected at 1" tap a few feet from 6x5m funky concrete springbok, recently repaired and sealed as well as possible but still subject to surface water contamination.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: I'd been drinking the water with some confidence (but with some minor symptoms) after sealing and before rains.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 3
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 399
M9 Spring-El
Chorrito-New springbok
Location, description, sampling technique: Freshly built 1 x 1 x 7 m horizontal well in swampy area, in newly disturbed soil in newly fenced area. Lid still had not been placed in rear. Has been through 1 heavy rain this season. Collected sample from pool inside, immediately before outlet.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences: Area formerly frequented by grazing animals.
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: I'd drink the water with confidence in the dry season, take it off line in the wet season.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 3
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 399
M18 Springs-Storage tank at crossing
Location, description, sampling technique: Tank had just drained, and this sample was from incoming water which crossed the floor and pooled. False + at the outlet. (0, 492, 8). Collected in found bottle, well-rinsed with H202. Also put H2O2 on pad in MF unit.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: Looked and felt clean, though I don't know if I'd drink it with enthusiasm.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 11
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 23
M17 Spring-Pipe
from El Chorrito at Emilio's Pila
Location, description, sampling technique: Collected from last dribbles from hose; they'd just shut valve at the big pila, and had just filled the pila, so this is probably about as well-cleaned as the pipe gets. (60/ 6,540/#VALUE!)
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: This water felt clean, though not for drinking.
Test results: All bacteria in middle 1/2 of radius of plate-why?
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 20
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 180
M6 Spring fed creek outside fence
Location, description, sampling technique: Sample taken from flow just before papaya farm diversion pool. No rain 36 hours, light rain just starting but no runoff yet.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Very clear Odor: Taste:
Visible in water: Animal feces
Surrounding influences: Animal feces
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: I felt no hesitation stepping in this water or washing hands, but would hate to drink it.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 560
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 22,160
Springs-waters originating at El Chorrito, after moderate rain
M21 Spring-Old springbok
Location, description, sampling technique: Collected 5 hrs after finish of about 3 cm rain.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 40
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 10,840
M22 Spring-New horizontal well
Location, description, sampling technique: Collected 5 hrs after finish of about 3 cm rain.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 300
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 2,780
M23 Spring-Community storage tank
Location, description, sampling technique: Sample included all runoff from 2 hr. rain.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 2,080
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 10,720
Springs-waters originating at El Chorrito, during heavy rain
M25 Spring-Old springbok during heavy rain
Location, description, sampling technique: Sample taken during heavy rain (2-3 cm/hr) after about 20 cm of rain overnight. About 1.5-2x normal flow. No evidence of runoff entering, however runoff clearly ran over the top in quantity.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Clear Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences: Near certainty of some surface runoff entering, lots of animals just outside fence 10 m uphill.
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: I'd be real nervous about drinking this.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 3,200
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 57,200
M26 Spring-New horizontal well during heavy rain
Same as M25 except no surface runoff in vicinity, flow at least double. There was plywood over back access hole. No runoff in natural channel above. Small watershed?
Location, description, sampling technique:
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: clear Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results: Agar folded in about 10% of area.
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 1,600
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 16,000
M5 Greywater-Nati's kitchen, Laundry outlet
Location, description, sampling technique: Collected in mid trench in old greywater slime pit.
Temperature: Turbidity: Cloudy Color: Gray Odor: Mildly anaerobic (strong when pigs wallow) Taste:
Visible in water: Green filamentacious algae.
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: This water looked pretty evil. I would step in it only under duress.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) #VALUE!
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) #VALUE!
M33 Greywater
from shower stall at Nati's
Location, description, sampling technique: This poorly constructed shower has stagnant pools inside, which felt like a breeding ground and also smelled a bit dank. For greywater it looked pretty good-pipe is only 30 cm from stall to mulch basin. (0/0/384,000). Collected 3 drops for sample.
Temperature: Turbidity: 8 drops=.25 ml. 2 ml sediment (sand) on bottom of sample container. Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water: Used for irrigation.
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: Looks good for use as irrigation.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 2,133
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 1,922,133
M15 River-First flash flood
Location, description, sampling technique: Sample taken 45 minutes after first front of water passed (unnoticed in dark). River went from dry bed to over 30 m wide and average 25 cm deep. The river does not normally come down until October. This first flush cleared seven dry season months worth of human and animal feces in a swath a few dozen meters wide by a few dozen km long. Maybe it was our imagination, but our legs tingled after fording.
Temperature: Turbidity: Visibility less than 1 mm Color: Dark chocolate brown Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 25,600
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) #VALUE!
M31 River-Second
Location, description, sampling technique: Tingly hot legs after numerous crossings, though maybe psychosomatic. Test done without letting sediment settle out.
Temperature: Turbidity: High ss, 1 mm visibility Color: Dark chocolate brown Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: This stuff looks super nasty; I washed my legs after.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 19,608
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 2,439,776
M32 River-Second
flush, minus sediment
Location, description, sampling technique: Same as M31 except allowed to settle for one hour.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 22,409
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 1,535,014
M10 Beach-Far
West Beach
Sample taken in 1 m deep water in a state of extreme wave agitation (3 m closed out shore breaks). Depth ranged from minus 0.5 m to 1 m in this spot every minute. (20/4,180/7,160) No trash, little organic debris on this beach.
Location, description, sampling technique:
Temperature: Turbidity: high ? Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: The whole beach felt very clean to me and seemed to be up-current of the contamination from Maruata. I didn't worry about drinking little bits or carrying it around in my ears.
suppliertop" class="linkinpage">Top ^ Test results: Wells | Rain, runoff | Springs | Greywater | River | Beaches | Bottled water Maruata main page | Consulting | Browse
M11 Beach-Middle
Location, description, sampling technique: Sample taken in 1 m deep water. This beach is normally calm enough for distance swimming but had 2 m waves this day. Felt and looked clean but not as clean as nude beach. (60/3,420/5,160).
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 20
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 140
M12 Beach-Long beach
Location, description, sampling technique: Sample taken 50 paces from estuary inlet. This beach had 1.5 m waves, looked and felt much dirtier than others.
Temperature: Turbidity: high? Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water: Organic debris and fine black sand
Surrounding influences: Numerous palapas directly on the beach, fishing boats, dead fish, vultures all around.
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: I didn't particularly want to get into the water, but when my daughter did I got into it and enjoyed it.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 100
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 20,100
M13 Beach-Estuary
Sample taken cross from last palapa, in 50 cm water. Looked dirty. (100/2,100/123,800)
Location, description, sampling technique:
Temperature: Turbidity: Visibility 30 cm Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences: Town's drains empty into it. The bushed in town are (likely) used as toilets.
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: Felt dirty.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 400
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 8,400
M34 Beach-Far West Beach after day of heavy runoff
Location, description, sampling technique: Light brown colored band of runoff-mixed salt water clearly visible along entire coast. This beach felt less clean, but still way cleaner than the long beach, which seemed to be down-current from the river. (0/0/6,400) Not so much land debris on beach. We frolicked in this water for at least 3 hours in the rain.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 300
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 14,700
Bottled Water
M30 Bottled water-brand new
Location, description, sampling technique: Used careful sterile technique, except the same white pad reused from beginning. (0/3/711)
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water: This is what we and half the villagers were drinking (the other half drink spring water).
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water:
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 0
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 3
M3 Bottled water
Location, description, sampling technique: Opened 20 hrs w/ 1 cm2 slit in plastic cap. From bottling plant in Tecoman which supplies whole village. With continual refilling w/o cleaning, small bottles would develop a "live" taste.
Temperature: Turbidity: Color: Odor: Taste:
Visible in water:
Surrounding influences:
Use of water:
What do you think of this water?
What I thought about this water: Felt fine for drinking.
Test results:
(Fecal coliforms/100 ml) 0
Other bacteria: (general coliforms) 20