Greenhouse Greywater Approval in Washington State
Subject: Greenwater greenhouse approval in Washington
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000
From: Art Ludwig <Oasis Design>
> I'd love to hear about your new ideas. The status of my project is that
> the greenhouse beds are constructed, approximately 100 sq.ft. of 3' deep
> soil/sand/gravel beds with a drain at the low point. I'm now doing
> research to find out what alternatives exist, how effective they are,
> costs, ongoing maintenance, etc.
> I am currently working with our county health department trying to figure
> out how I might get through the hoops necessary to get an approved
> greywater system. So far I've discovered that I will have to get state
> approval, called a "class C waiver". Sounds like I'm in for a
> task, but I'm prepared to give it some effort.
> I'm also talking with Clivis about their new system, which also eliminates
> the filter, pump & tank and uses something called box troughs. Is that
> similar to new system? Do you have any approved systems in our state,
> Washington? What are your consulting rates? What services do you offer?
> I have not had an opportunity to check out your web site, but do plan to
> in the near future.
I haven't gone through the approval process in Washington. I would
characterize this system as "approvable;" i.e, it has the basic attributes
regulators require, but like ANY greywater system is still vulnerable to a
capricious thumbs-down.
My consulting rates and terms are described on the web site.
one of which the greenhouse box trough distribution design is one.
I suggested Clivus try out this design, which is a hybrid of my branched drain
distribution and John Hanson's box trough emitters, and I'm glad to hear
they've picked up on it. Whichever of us takes the lead on the design, the
other should be in the loop to review and evaluate it's performance. I have
more experience with the branched drain part, and they have more experience
with greenhouses.
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—How to build our simplest, most economical system from start to finish
- Builder's GW Guide-book
—Permitted greywater systems in new construction and remodeling, info for regulators and policymakers
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