Integrated Design Education
Lecture/ Design/ Workshop/ Hands-On
by Art Ludwig, Ecological Systems Designer
Information on past and future lectures and workshops, and possibilities for having Art Ludwig present or run future workshops with your organization.
Links are included with most listings for preparation and follow up reading and resources.
On this page:
- Art Ludwig's bio (long)
Future Events
None scheduled at present...
Lecture and Workshop Format and Topic
Each presentation is custom-adapted to the audience, event, and location. Ideally, we survey early registrants by email for their interests and background and adjust the content and approach accordingly.
The topics list below shows the range of content, while the past presentations list shows the some of the ways it's been presented.
All presentations get their own web page posted in advance of the event. From this, participants can get a complete description find links to preparatory and follow-up reading, download handouts, registration, directions, etc. (Examples: Understanding water class, Xeriscape Conference lecture and workshop).
An automatic slide show of stunningly beautiful, uplifting images, with appropriate music, is usually played before the presentation (to reward those who come early/ on time). The pool of "A"-grade images is large enough to run for hours without repeating, or hand-pick a smaller selection that relate subliminally to the topic at hand.
When appropriate, it's great to end with a dance party. This can be accompanied by a slide show of images as well.
When travel is involved, we typically do more than one event—for example, presentations, a workshop, backpacking trip, and/or consulting (as in Cottonwood Greywater Presentations).
Presentations can be in English, Spanish, or both.
The following is a natural progression for Ecological Design curriculum:
- Principles of Ecological Design
- Wild Water Wisdom—understand how water and nutrients are handled in pristine wilderness
- Learn how to find clean water and manage wastes when camping
- Understand natural economics and personal finance
- Learn about specifics of systems for permanent, super simple housing, with on-site food production
- Learn about systems for higher population densities and higher per-capita resource use
- Design systems for larger scale settlements, institutional and industrial uses
- In parallel with the above, shortcomings of conventional designs can be discussed
Ecological Design
- Principles of Integrated Design
- Site Evaluation/ Systems Design Clinic Designs for participants' projects. Q&A lecture with a whiteboard, or on site. Site plans and aerial photos are helpful.
Site evaluation forms:GW site assessment checklist-pdf,Eco home checklist-pdf
Water and Wastewater Systems
- Wild Water Wisdom How Nature Manages Water and Nutrients (lecture). SeeWild water wisdom-article
- Understanding water class (two day Workshop)
- Water Testing (workshop). SeeWater testing-download
- Sensory Awareness Water Walks
- Water Awareness and Design Walk
- Water supply, storage, treatment
- Wastewater systems
- Nutrient/ Excreta management
Personal Finance
Natural Building
Structural Engineering and Fire Safety for Natural Builders
- Greywater Systems (lecture, workshop) SeeGreywater central
- Greywater Policy see See Greywater policy center
- Common greywater mistakes
- Wild water wisdom-article
- Stub outs & collection plumbing checklist (PDF)
- Greywater systems for non-industrialized communities
- GW site assessment checklist-pdf
Toilet Alternatives
- Orchard toilet construction (seeEarth, & orchard toilets)
Dance and Movement
- Free-form dance
- Integrated Movement
- Sports massage
- Trail running and creek hopping with water education
Art Ludwig's Bio (short)
Read Art Ludwig's bio, long version, instead
Art Ludwig has 42 years full-time experience with integrated design for water, wastewater, energy, shelter, human powered transport, finances, building codes, and policy. His specialty is complex, integrated "systems of systems." Art has studied and worked in 27 different countries, attaining fluency in 5 languages. He has consulted for the states of New York, California, and New Mexico on water reuse policy and building codes, and given dozens of lectures and workshops. He has developed numerous innovations which have been adopted worldwide, incorporated in building codes, etc., all of which he has published unpatented into the public domain. These include the Laundry to Landscape and Branched Drain greywater systems.
He designed his own education in Ecological Systems Design, graduating from UC Berkeley. At Berkeley, he developed the first cleaners specifically designed to be biocompatible with plants and soil, and founded a successful business to manufacture and distribute them. Art has authored numerous articles as well as the books "Water Storage" "Principles of Ecological Design," and "Create an Oasis with Greywater."
The past several years Art has dedicated approximately a thousand hours a year to public interest research and sustainabilty policy activism.
^ Top ^ | Future Events | Lecture and Workshop Topics | Past Events |
Past Events
Headings and descriptions are mostly for the Oasis part of the program. Where available, links describe more about the event and/or sponsoring organization. Events are organized by date - the most recent events are at the top.
Localizing California Waters-November7th-9th, 2018
Fire Safe Natural Building-November 3rd, 2018
Cobb Resiliant, Cobb, CA Hosted by SSCRA - Seigler Springs Community Redevelopment Association
Fire Safe Natural Building, Integrated Design for Water-September 7th-9th, 2018
Big Pine Paiute Reservation Tribal Center, Big Pine, CA.
CASBA West Coast Natural Building Conference - April 13th-15th, 2018
Art Ludwig will be giving the keynote on Integrated Design and Fire Resistant Building. Camp Ocean Pines, Cambria, CA.
Panel Discussion on Design for Drought, Fire and Flood -April 6 – 8, 2018
Live Oak Campground, Santa Barbara, CA.
We have been increasingly experiencing imbalance amongst the elements, with record-breaking drought, fire, and flood becoming the new norm. Come be a part of a panel discussion exploring practical ways we can work with our homes and landscapes to address the conditions leading to these extreme elemental events.
Acorn Gathering - 5 days of Camping and Primitive and Earth-Based Skills Workshops
California Central Coast | March 26 - March 31st, 2018 (just north of Santa Barbara)
See below for Art's offerings during the event!
Art Ludwig will be sharing...
1. Bike Ride to the Site - Contact us for info.
2. Visual Cortex Upgrade - rewire your brain for bird's eye vision, Google Earth-eye vision, X-Ray vision, Seeing Behind You, Infrared vision, Fast Forward and Rewind, etc.
3. Understanding Water - with a focus on understanding where to pee and poop, and where to find clean drinking water.
4. Stormwater capture - how to manage Stormwater on your land.
Localizing California Waters Conference November 1st – 3rd, 2017
The LCW Conference connects attendees to the vital conversations happening in and around all water resources disciplines. Art Ludwig will be presenting on integrated, optimized design for water and other factors. He will also be giving a greywater update.
Darcy Aston Lecture
Acorn Gathering - 5 days of Camping and Primitive and Earth-Based Skills Workshops
March 29 - April 3, 2016, White Oaks Campground, Santa Ynez Mountains, CA (just north of Santa Barbara)
Art Ludwig will be sharing...
1. Mountain Bike Ride to the Site - Strenuous, 3000' elevation gain on the steepest paved road in Santa Barbara County, 3000' descent on dirt. Bike and body in good condition, good bike handling skills, helmet, gloves required.
2. Visual Cortex Upgrade - rewire your brain for bird's eye vision, Google Earth-eye vision, X-Ray vision, Seeing Behind You, Infrared vision, Fast Forward and Rewind, etc.
3. Understanding Water - with a focus on understanding where to pee and poop, and where to find clean drinking water.
Lucidity Festival : an annual, three-day transformational festival in Santa Barbara, California
Art Ludwig conducted a workshop session at the Lucid University Courseweek prior to the festival.
Technical Round Table: Making Use of the Run-On Bonanza
Featuring Art Ludwig and Fred Hunter, permaculture designer and licensed landscape contractor.
Part of Sweetwater Collaborative's Technical Roundtable for Landscape Professionals Series
Monday, February 8, 2016, 7:00-8:30PM
Watershed Resource Center at Hendry's Beach, 2981 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93109
More info on Sweetwater Collaborative's website
Stormwater resources from Oasis
Amazing Stormwater Infiltration Demo
December 7th, 2015
For Santa Barbara elected officials and water professionals
5th Annual Central Coast Sustainability Summit
Loma Pelona Conference Center, University of California at Santa Barbara
October 14, 2015
Natural Building Colloquium
Black Range Lodge, New Mexico
October 18 - 25, 2015
More info on past colloquiums.
Water Reuse: Making the Most of What We Have While Protecting Public Health
Public Health Alliance of Southern California
October 2, 2015
Full Recording, Art's Slide Deck, info on the Unified Policy for Permit Exempt Graywater Systems Under the California Plumbing Code discussed in the webinar More Resources
Another interesting webinar in this series:
The Water Crisis and Health 101: An Introductory Webinar
Public Health Alliance of Southern California
May 27, 2015
Water and Integrated Design
Ecological Design for Drought, Fire Flood, Climate and More
with Art Ludwig
Tuesday, April 28th 2015 7-9 pm $20
at PLACE for Sustainable Living 1121 64th St. Oakland, CA
more info and suggested reading
Permaculture Action Day
Day 1: Saturday, April 25th 2015
Where: Gill Tract Community Farm
(San Pablo & Marin Ave., Albany, CA)
Time: 10am-5pm. Panel with Art Ludwig and Penny Livingston at 2:30 pm.
Carpinteria Water Security Symposium
Sunday, April 19th 3:00-4:30. Free to the Public. Plaza Playhouse Theater, 4916 Carpinteria Ave. Carpinteria
What if you turn on the tap and nothing comes out?
The Symposium will discuss our community's water security, both short term and long term. Unless you're Rip Van Winkle you know there's an ongoing drought in our state and in the west in general. Is it just another extended drought in the long history of extended droughts in the West, or is this our "new-normal"? The Carpinteria Water Security Symposium intends to examine this issue in depth. The event will begin with the screening of the film "EYES ON THE SKY" by local resident and film maker Steve Nicolaides. The evening will conclude with a panel discussion of water experts and practitioners. Sponsored by Carpinteria Valley Association and Carpinteria Beautiful in conjunction with Carpinteria Valley Water District.
Panel members scheduled to appear are Charles Hamilton, General Manager, Carpinteria Valley Water District; Dr. Hugo Loaiciga, a preeminent hydrologist from the Department of Geology at UCSB, Art Ludwig, an international consultant on water and waste water systems, Ed van Wingerden, a local Carpinteria avocado grower and the world’s largest producer of hydroponically grown gerber daisies; and Kim Nielsen, a Carpinteria resident who has created a drought tolerant home and yard. They will discuss the primary topics of aquifer levels, what happens if our reservoirs fail, water conservation tips for homeowners and farmers, sharing what’s left, and urgent efforts to conserve.
Lucidity Festival Permaculture Action Course
When: Monday, April 6, 2015 at 9:00 AM -Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 12:00 PM
Where: Santa Ynez, Ca - Live Oak Campground
Why: To educate Lucidity Festival participants about preservation of ecology
Join ecological designer Erik Hjermstad, creator of CobFest, community organizer Ryan Rising, Certified Teacher of Permaculture Loren Luyendyk, architect Ray Cirino and Art Ludwig, author of Water Storage and Create an Oasis with Greywater to get a crash course in hands-on, systems-based techniques to build the world we prefer to live in.
Acorn Gathering
Our vision is to help local community grow a deeper connection to ancient and earth-based skills by holding space for local instructors to share their knowledge for the sustainability of present and future generations.
Dates: March 25-29th, 2015
This is a 4 day family and kid friendly event sharing ancient primitive and earth-based skills to connect with community and keep the connection alive by camping together in a village setting over the course of the event. The space will be opened and closed by a local native Chumash Elder, Tautaucho Muhuwawit.
We have a few special guests teaching that we would like to mention:
*Graham & Mike from Los Padres Outfitters sharing traditional horse and mule packing, riding, basic forging and horseshoe techniques. These are exceptional horse whisperers and are real Cowboys!
*Leida Tolentino will teach a traditional West African dance class late afternoon on Saturday. She was born and raised in the Cape Verde islands off the western coast of Africa!
*Art Ludwig, a local ecological water expert will facilitate the wild-crafting of good water for drinking and do a simple development of a spring.
*Jay Sliwa will share the ancient art of primitive hide tanning. He is a master tanner living a simple life off the grid and closely connected to the land.
These are a few of the amazing instructors offering their skills and craft at Acorn Gathering this year.
We only have a few more spaces available and if you would like to come please register as soon as possible at
Integrated Water Systems Design January 29 2015 Petaluma
Water and Integrated Design January 28 2015 Santa Rosa
Integrated Design Lecture and Workshop Series
With Art Ludwig
September 30th through November 21st, 2014
Santa Barbara, California
Design for drought, fire, flood, and climate with lawn replacement, greywater reuse, rainwater and runoff harvesting, healthy transportation, and sustainability policy; click links below for more information. All events in Santa Barbara except as noted:
- The Joy of Lawn Replacement Thursday Octber 30th
- Sierra Water Reuse Conference November 3-6 2014. Yosemite
- Central Coast Sustainability Summit Thursday November 13th
- Rainwater Runoff Harvesting Tuesday November 18th
- Rainwater and Runoff Harvesting Workshop Friday November 21st
Drought Action Forum
Davis Center for Monday August 4 2014 from 7-9pm. Systems Thinking presentation and Water Harvesting Earthwork workgroup. Sponsored by Sweetwater Collaborative.
Permaculture Design Course
Casitas Valley Creamery, Saturday August 2, 2014. Greywater systems and integrated design.
Drought Strategy Forum
Monday, June 30 2014 from 7-9pm. Water budgeting and integrated design. Sponsored by Sweetwater Collaborative.
2013-2014 Europe
- Hjortshøj community, Denmark
- Svanholm, Denmark
- Pianta Monda, Switzerland
- Torre Superiore, Italy
- Can Masdeu, Spain Charlas del Permacultura Avanzada en Can Masdeu
California Statewide Greywater Conference
Art Ludwig: "Why Greywater Matters"
- Greywater systems as "indicator species" for the overall integrity of a project's resource management systems
- Greywater in the larger context of integrated, optimal design, and our moment in history
- Quantitative analysis of greywater risk
- Quantitative comparison of mortality for all top risks attributable to the built environment What's next: research needed, hardware improvements needed, evolution in building standards
Managing a California Resource: Greywater Capture
November 15th and 16th, 2012
Evergreen Lodge, Yosemite, CA
2012 Halloween Natural Building Colloquium
Art's presentations:
- Cob, Code, Fire, Earthquake
- Quantitative comparison of mortality attributable to the built environment; cob wins, hands down
- Report from the 2012 CBOAC conference: Chief building officials to natural builders: make us a code compliance package, get us seismic data
- Plans for seismic testing at Cal Poly SLO
- Design for extreme wildfire resistance
- Our own model code
October 30th - November 4th, 2012
Camp Latgawa, Southern OR
The County Building Officials Association of California Annual Conference & Caucus
Santa Barbara, CA Sept 24-26, 2012
Workshops Sept 25: Limited Density Rural Dwellings & Assessment, Acceptance, and Approval of Alternate Materials; and Methods of Construction
Precautionary Principles: Golden Rules for Future Generations
Carolyn Raffensperger, M.A., J.D.
with guest David Eisenberger
7-9:30 pm Jan 16, 2012
Fe Bland Auditorium, Santa Barbara City College West Campus, 721 Cliff Dr, SB
Carolyn Raffensperger, executive director of the Science and Environmental Health Network, is a world expert on the nexus between health, ecology, law, and the built environment.
Sustainability Policy Roundtable with Local Elected Officials, Regulators, & Sustainability Policy Experts
12-1:30 pm Jan 19, 2012
Built Green Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Contractors Association, 914 A Santa Barbara St.
The Roundtable will include a short presentation followed by dialogue with elected officials and regulators from Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo, David Eisenberg, Art Ludwig, and progressive regulators from other California jurisdictions. The event is geared towards elected officials, regulators, and citizens with an interest in sustainability policy.
Topics for the roundtable include:
- Illuminating the startling scale and steep rise in emerging hazards attributa to the Built Environment, including cancer from cumulative toxin exposure, climate disruption, and reduced exercise
- Immediately available regulatory tools for reducing risks from these hazards
- Possible changes in policies, standards, and regulations to enable an effective regulatory response to these risks
Stay tuned / check website for more information...
Water Harvesting Certification
August 19 - 28, 2011 – Santa Barbara, CA
Watershed Management Group (WMG) is accepting applications for its Water Harvesting Certification course to be held August 19 - 28, 2011, in Santa Barbara, California. Applications are accepted until July 15th, with priority registration given to residents of Santa Barbara and Southern California.
Legalizing Sustainability
Southern California Permaculture Convergence, April 29 - May 1 2011, Malibu, CA
Natural Building & Sustainable Hedonism
Feb 28th-March 4th 2011, Santa Barbara, CA
Lightweight, thin-shell, formless straw clay over stainless steel mesh, window forming, principles of sustainable hedonism.
Sustainability Research: Ensuring a healthy, safe built environment for present and future Californians
Quail Springs, July 28th, 2011
Presentation for Ventura County head of Building and Safety, head of Resource Management, County Supervisor, State Assemblyman about hazards attributable to the built environment, how sustainability research addresses these, and possible regulatory pathways to provide a legal umbrella for this research at Quail Springs. A short video clip from the presentation plus some of the content covered can be found in the intro to our Legalize Sustainability page.
Laundry to Landscape Workshop
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 11am-4pm
For Santa Barbara city landscape contractors and builders.
Water Woman Festival
Oct 1-4, 2009 Joshua Tree, CA
Natural Building Colloquium 2009
Oct 18-24, 2009 Camp Latgawa, Rogue National Forest, Oregon
Santa Barbara's Deep Green Future (Presentation) |
August 3, 2009 Santa Barbara, CA |
Integrated design and codes for an orderly transition to a post peak world: Super efficient fixtures, water reuse, rainwater harvesting, non-toxic, low carbon, fire-safe construction, healthy transport. Sponsored by Santa Barbara City College Center for Sustainability. August 3rd, 7pm at Faulkner Gallery. $10 suggested donation. Thanks to all who made this happen...the presentation was attended by over 150 people |
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Laundry to Landscape Graywater System (Workshop) |
August 4, 2009 Santa Barbara, CA |
Geared towards landscapers, builders who are interested in installing greywater systems professionally under California's new greywater standard. World-renowned integrated systems designer, greywater educator and researcher Art Ludwig will explain recent changes in Santa Barbara greywater policy and California state code that open up greywater installation to professionals as never before. In the workshop that follows, he will provide training in how to install his latest, greatest, simplest, cheapest system design: Laundry to Mulch Basins. -More info- Sponsored by Santa Barbara City Water Resources Division. Free. Thanks to all who made this happen...the workshop was attended by over 120 people |
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Ecological Design Construction Work Study
Fall 2009
Come learn by building... cob walls, earth plaster, passive and active solar space heating and stonework, and wood burning bathtub. Learn a ton about design and construction this summer, while working hard on a fun project, with breaks and community work days. Besides learning value comparable to classes costing thousands of dollars elsewhere, can include room, board (and possibly money as well, for someone with extensive relevant skills in plumbing, carpentry, masonry, or welding or exceptional work). See Employment for more info about living and working at Oasis.
Sustainable Water Design for San Luis Obispo County, California
December 2nd and 3rd, 2008
Integrated design for water, removing policy barriers to sustainability (Course detail page).
Southern California Permaculture Convergence at Quail Springs, California
August 29th through 31rst, 2008
Integrated design, earth toilets, improved drumless laundry systems, and removing policy barriers to sustainability (Course detail page).
Sustainable Water Design Workshop
Santa Barbara City College. Saturday and Sunday, September 13th and 14th, 2008. 9am-4pm
Come spend two days with expert sustainable water systems designers, Art Ludwig and Brad Lancaster, as they work through practical and locally appropriate designs for Santa Barbara residents. We live in a drought and flood prone area. Learn how to manage water, nutrients, and energy more sustainably using simple design strategies. This workshop is offered throughSanta Barbara City College Continuing Education. For more information and details on location see the SBCC Center for Sustainability and our course detail page.
Water Wizardry and Natural Building
with Art Ludwig, Penny Livingston-Stark, Brock Dolman, and friends
Regenerative Design Institute, Point Reyes, CA July 5-8 (water systems) 9-12 (natural building), 2008
Water Systems: Principles of ecological design, Understanding water (nature awareness guided experience +outdoor and indoor lecture), water testing and site mapping, Regenerative Design Institute water system site assessment, design (hands on project).
Natural building: structures for natural builders, materials testing, fire safety, systems design and more...
See course detail page for more info.
Understanding Water, Legalize Sustainability (Presentation)
Village Building Convergence 2008, Portland, OR
Radio interview to be aired Thursday, May 22, Noon-1:30 on KBOO in Portland
Presentation to the Portland City Council, Wednesday, May 28, 9:15 a.m.
Keynote lecture and slide show at the Village Building Convergence, Friday May 30, 8p.m.
Topics to be explored: integrated design for water supply, greywater reuse, runoff management, energy efficiency, food production, and economic sustainability; removing policy barriers to sustainability.
"The Village Building Convergence is part of The City Repair Project Placemaking Program, fulfilling City Repair’s mission to educate and inspire communities and individuals to creatively transform the places where they live. City Repair’s work is focused on developing strong local relationships, social capital and equity, placemaking, ecological design, supporting our local economy, and developing our city and bioregion as a network of interconnected Village Centers." —VBC web site
Sustainable Home and Garden
Santa Barbara City College Continuing Education, Saturday May 3rd, 2008 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Adam Green, moderator. Meet at SBCC, EBS-309 for lecture, carpool to sites. Site visits limited to first 25 people to sign up. Bring lunch.
This workshop led by ecological designer Art Ludwig will include the following topics: integrated design for water supply, water reuse, runoff management, energy efficiency, food production, materials management, and economic sustainability of home and garden.
We will connect the large-scale environmental challenges we face with the design of our homes and landscaping. Through discussion and an on-site design clinic at local homes, we will illustrate relevant, practical ways to make our living spaces part of the solution. There will be an emphasis on the importance of water and how we can use this limited resource responsibly. Appropriate for both general interest and those looking for an introduction to this new and growing career field. Santa Barbara City College Continuing Education.
If you'd like your site to be considered for use as an example site for us to visit, please Email us .
Helpful Preparation
The more of the background info below you understand (or have been exposed to) before coming, the more you'll get out of the day.
This stuff is worth reading all the way through:
This stuff will add more depth if you can scan or read any of it:
Understanding Water Quality
Friday, March 28th 2008, 9am-4pm San Jose Creek (15 minutes from Santa Barbara on San Marcos Pass)
Greywater and Rainwater Systems Design Inspiration From Nature (lecture), Greywater Systems Design (on site), and Dance Party
Regenerative Design Institute, Regenerative Design and Nature Awareness Program, Point Reyes, CA January 16th, 2008
Lecture on how nature manages water and nutrients, and simple systems that use these principles to create an oasis of increased biological productivity from the concentrated flow of nutrients and water from human settlement. Followed by participant-led design clinic for Regenerative Design Institute greywater systems, and a dance party for kinesthetic information integration.
Making Water Go Farther |
City of Cottonwood, AZ, Water Conservation Series, Cottonwood, AZ, October 11-13, 2007 |
Greywater and Rainwater Harvesting Lecture, Builder's Symposium, and Workshop with Art Ludwig and Brad Lancaster. Positive, practical, and pro-active solutions to make water go farther. |
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Systems Design Clinic, Water Adventure Club, Structural Engineering and Fire Safety for Natural Builders |
Natural Building Colloquium, Black Range Lodge, Kingston, NM, October 5-11, 2003, Kerrville, TX, October 19-28, 2007 |
Site evaluation and design discussion for participants projects, and water adventure club—extreme trail running and creek hopping with water education. |
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Ecological Systems Design, Understanding Water, Water and Wastewater System Design, Personal Finance, and Massage
North American School of Natural Building, Cob Cottage Company, Coquille, OR, June 2007
Lectures and Workshops for the Cob Cottage Company apprenticeship program.
Living Well on Almost Nothing, Sensory Awareness Water Walks |
The Institute of Reverential Ecology, An Intergenerational Celebration of Sustainability; Zaca Lake Retreat Center, Santa Ynez, CA |
A gathering of some of the leading eco-spiritual thinkers / artists / activists / writers of our time, including John Seed, Vandana Shiva, Tom Hayden, Ernest Callenbach, Elisabet Sahtouris, Satish Kumar, Jay Harman, Adam Wolpert, Michael Green, for three days of exploratory discussion, reflection and celebration. 2005 Creating a Sustainable Future, Ecology, Ethics and Design 2006, Art Bio, Envisioning and Designing Hot Age Communities 2007 Lecture and awareness walks—see Living Well on Almost Nothing. |
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Turning Water Scarcity into Water Abundance
Santa Barbara City College Continuing Education, Santa Barbara City College, April 22, 2006
Workshop on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Reuse with rain harvesting guru Brad Lancaster and ecological systems designer Art Ludwig. Show how to actualize the potential of your landscape and neighborhood for rain and greywater harvesting. Simple site assessment tools for the home, plus multiple-use water-harvesting earthworks, will be constructed in this hands-on event.
Maruata en el Cruce De Caminos (Maruata at the Crossroads) |
ReSource Institute for Low Entropy Systems, Maruata, Michoacan, Mexico, April 2005 |
Presentation in Spanish and Nahuatl to the General Assembly of Maruata on projects for the future of the community. |
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Greywater is Green
Xeriscape Council of New Mexico, Southwest Xeriscape Conference, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 24 and 26, 2005
The Xeriscape Conference lecture and workshop explained:
- What nature has to teach us about water system design
- How natural systems purify water so spectacularly well
- Efficient use, including radical redesign of fixtures and cascading water through multiple uses
- Systems for beneficial reuse of water and nutrients in wastewater, including Greywater, and blackwater systems
- The benefits of greywater reuse
- Strategies for realizing the immediate and future benefits of greywater in existing buildings and new construction
Can a 4000ft2 Strawbale House Be Green? |
California Strawbale Association Spring Conference at Matilija hot springs, Ojai, CA, April 17th, 2004 |
Lecture for straw bale contractors on natural building, radical simplicity. Included survey of square feet per person of attendees homes, projects. Suggested reading: Green 4,000 ft2 home? |
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US home square feet per person has doubled in 50 years... |
Getting Clear on Greywater
PG&E Water Conservation Showcase, San Francisco, CA May 25th 2004
Lecture on strategies to realize greywater system benefits under current regulatory environment. SeeGreywater central,Greywater policy center.
Grey Water System Design and Construction
Workshops for Ecoversity, October 2nd-5th 2003 Santa Fe, New Mexico
Greywater systems design and construction weekend workshop. See Gray water workshop for more info.
Wild Water Wisdom |
Wilderness Youth Project, San Jose Creek June 11th 2003, 9am-5pm and June 13th 8 am-1pm |
Understanding water class—Wild Water Wisdom for Wilderness Youth Project mentors. Understanding water class photos, seeWild water wisdom-article |
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Water Systems for Natural Building and Structurally Sound Cob |
Lectures for the North American School of Natural Building, Cob Cottage Company complete cob building course, August 5-10, 2003, Coquille, Oregon |
Contact the Cob Cottage company for information on their course. More info: Understanding water class, Structural Analysis for Natural Builders |
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How to Craft the Best Greywater Rules for New Mexico
Testimony before the Water and Natural Resources Committee, New Mexico State Legislature, Ruidoso Convention Center, Ruidoso, New Mexico, September 5, 2002
Meetings with regulators by Invitation of the New Mexico State Legislature Water Committee. This Guidance for regulatorshelped lead to groundbreaking newNM graywater rules.
Manejo de Aguas Residuales (Waste Water Management)
Resource Institute and City of Havana Havana Municipal building, Havana, Cuba, May 1998
Presentation in Spanish to thirty civil engineers on management of wastewater.
Dance and Movement
Movement helps incorporate—literally, take into the body—new information.
There is a recurring pattern of hot dance parties, trail runs, river swims, backpacking trips, etc. connected in one way or the other with Oasis presentations.
The aerobic creek run/ understanding water workshop combo started on breaks at the Natural Building Colloquium, and turned into full day workshops on our local creek.
The presentation after party trend started with playing music selected from the 5000 dance songs in the presentation laptop, then snowballed from there.
Dance Performance with Dancing Drum, Santa Barbara Solstice Parade 6/23/2006.
Since learning happens from the branching and growth of dendrites and synapses in the brain;
which is a biological organ, that runs off of oxygen and nutrients;
and hormones from intense experience promote dendrite growth;
arguably dancing and learning, dancing and learning is the perfect interval training for the brain.
If you would like video or audio of any of these presentations, please Email us .
^ Top ^ | Future Events | Lecture and Workshop Topics | Past Events |